Our dream team experts are here to help you get a better night’s
sleep by finding the right mattress.
Let us help you find the right mattress!
Take this short quiz.
1. Who will get a good nights rest on your new mattress?
2. Sleep problems? We’ve all got ‘em, so what’s yours?
Sleep problems? We’ve all got ‘em, so what’s yours?

I toss and
turn all night

I wake up with
stiffness and pain

I get too hot
or too cold

My mattress is old
and uncomfortable
3. What is your typical sleep style?
4. How much approximate weight will be sleeping on the mattress each night?
How much approximate weight will be sleeping
on the mattress each night?

Less than

Between 100
and 300lbs

Between 300
and 500lbs

Over 500lbs
5. What type of surface would you choose to sleep on if a mattress was not an option?
What type of surface would you choose to sleep on if
a mattress was not an option?

The floor- a firm,
flat sleeping surface

Blanket on the
floor-firm support
witha softer surface

The couch- some
support with much
more comfortable

Pillows on the
couch –hidden
support with a very
soft sleeping surface

Recliner – you
like to sleep more
upright with a
soft surface
We understand all mattresses aren’t created equal and want you to find your own level of comfort.
HOW to
The Mattress